Thursday 12 February 2015

Who is the most important person......

Having shared a lot about me over the last 11 months I felt Papa say it was time to write something for you. Something to encourage you and let you know just how much you are loved. So here goes.

I want you to think for a moment and answer the following questions. Do you know who the most important person on the planet is right now and do you know what makes them so important?

I'm guessing lots of different answers came to people but I doubt that many of them will match mine! What your answer was will depend, I think, on where you live and the lens you view the world through, that is, your life experience. You may of thought of the leader of a country, a celebrity from the music industry, the business world or from Hollywood. You may have thought of someone you love deeply, like your mum or your spouse or you may have even thought that you have no idea! Let me give you my answers.

The most important person in the world is you! 

Why? I can hear you asking as you come up with many reasons as to why this is not true. 
I am insignificant.
I am no good. 
I am nobody.
You would not say that if you knew me. 
You would not say that if you knew what I had done.
I am worthless.
I am unloveable.
I have no talents, there is nothing I am good at.
I can hear all these answers and more being said because they are the answers I would have given at one time. It was ludicrous, ridiculous, absolute insanity to consider that I was even important, never mind the most important person in the world. 

Nevertheless, the truth remains, you are the most important person in the world!

Why? I hear you ask again, well here is why. You are the most important person because God loves you. He loves you so much that he paid the highest price, the death of his Son, for you. Therefore, you truly are priceless because God thought you were worth sacrificing his only Son for. (John 3:16) Wow! You truly are priceless and he longs for you to know this, to find your worth in what he says about you and not the lies you have heard from the world throughout your life. 

The night before he was crucified Jesus was in anguish, he knew what was coming and that it was a very hard path he had to walk. He even asked God if there was another way, though throughout he was committed to fulfilling the will of God. Do you know what the bible says got Jesus through? What enabled him to endure the cross? The bible says it was the joy set before him and that joy was the thought of relationship with you. That joy was the thought of seeing you redeemed to be the person you were created to be. You! You! You! You were not only the reason that Jesus endured the cross but you were the joy he looked forward to as his reward for it. How mind blowing is that?

You are so precious to God that before the beginning of time he planned a way to redeem you and bring you back into his eternal plans and purposes for you, to bring you back into relationship with him. Jesus died to pay for your sin, paying your debt so that you could know God, then he rose again conquering sin and death and taking back all authority from satan. No longer does satan have any right to your life when you have asked Jesus into your heart. When you ask Jesus to be your Saviour you become a new creation, your old sinful nature is dead and you become free to live life like Jesus did. He becomes your role model and Holy Spirit becomes your helper, your counsellor and your guide in this new journey you embark on.

Wow! It really is that simple, God loves you and wants you to know it and to be in relationship with him. He wants you to know your identity as his son or daughter, secure in his love for you. He wants you to be able to face whatever life has in store with you with him, knowing he will never leave or forsake you and that his grace is always sufficient for you. I truly can testify to that being the truth even in the most difficult of circumstances and if you have read my early posts then you know the truth of that.

I want to challenge you today, do you know Jesus as your Saviour? Do you have a relationship with him? Do you know how much you are loved and how amazing you are? Do you know that he has a plan and a purpose for you and that it is all good? Do you know that you will spend eternity with God?

If you cannot answer yes to these questions then I want to ask you to invite Jesus into your heart. He is waiting for you to ask. He wants to lavish love on you and give you your true identity. It's not hard, all you need to do is repent of your sin (this means to turn around from and walk away from your sin and turn towards him), ask God for forgiveness, invite him to live in your heart and ask Holy Spirit to fill you. Then thank and praise God that you are a new creation! 

There is no set prayer, this is not religion, this is a relationship. If you have decided to talk to Jesus and ask him to come into you, welcome to the family! Please find a local church where they will welcome you and disciple you. If you have not talked to Jesus, I bless you to continue on your journey of discovery.