Sunday 3 January 2016

Here's to 2016 being the best year yet!

As I start 2016 and prepare to go back to school tomorrow there are so many things for which I am thankful for in 2015, it was a good year but I look forward to 2016 being an even better year yet. Why? Because God is good and he promises to work all things to good for me because I love him and my history with him shows this scripture to be true. He has worked all things to good for me, though I have walked through some tough times over the years he has always been faithful, always been there and in the end, things always turn out better than I could have imagined. I still face a couple of tough situations as I start this year but I know that because they are not good, they are not over and so I stand in faith trusting that, in his perfect timing, my heavenly Father will work them to my good too. It is just a matter of time!

So, what were my highlights of 2015? It's hard to limit it to just a few but for your sake I will limit it to my top three!

I loved school and was so grateful to be nominated for the M. Earl Johnson Award as I graduated first year. God showed me through this the impact I have on people just by being me, by the encouragement and the love that I give and this was so important for me to recognise and know. It was such a privilege and very humbling to have my classmates and peers choose me to be nominated. I was blown away by the favour they showed me. Added to the graduation was the knighting ceremony and it's hard to put into words what that meant to me. As I knelt waiting for Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotten to lay their swords on my shoulders I knew that Papa was pleased with me, he was proud of me. Then as I looked up at Bill and Kris as they placed the swords on my shoulders I felt their pleasure and through them was overwhelmed with the love and pride of Papa. Something changed in me that day, though I'm not sure I can tell you what, I just know it wasn't just a highlight of 2015 but of my life!

My summer was amazing, I traveled many, many miles around England catching up with friends and family and having a thoroughly wonderful time. The greatest part of it though was how God opened my heart to love my country in a new way. How he opened my heart even more to want to see my country fulfil it's God given destiny, to fulfill it's God given purposes. As I traveled up and down I marvelled at the beauty that was all around me, both in the landscape and the people I met. I always knew that I was called to be a missionary in the UK but now I am all in, there is no where else that I would rather be and I am eager to get home in May and see what God will do.

My last highlight was walking with God through the process of recognising that I am authentic, that who I say I am is who I actually am and that all the masks are finally removed. I cannot describe just how amazing this is to me, it is like I was born again again this year! I am so thankful for God's timing and for him giving me this awesome gift this year. Now I know that being his daughter is enough because that is everything. I do not need to do anything but pursue his face and minister to his heart, that is my job from now until forever and I will give my everything to fulfil my job description well! It does not matter what roles I have or what giftings I have, it just matters that I am his daughter and I am authentic. Wow! Love it!

Before I talk about what I am looking forward to it 2016 I just want to share a little bit about Christmas. I was a little concerned as to how I would find it as I have never been away from home and family for Christmas in my life and both my housemates were not going to be around. I need not have worried because Papa had an amazing Christmas in store for me, a season of firsts that brought such joy, including making my first gingerbread house! It was wonderful and I got to spend it with lots of amazing people who I love lots and though I missed my family, I definitely did not miss out. Papa is so good and he knew just what I needed to make this Christmas special and one to remember!
Now, to 2016, what am I looking forward to?

The biggest thing I am looking forward to is the glorious continuation of the transformation journey that Papa has me on. This was one of the words I got before I left Leicester in August and it has proved so true and I know will continue to as I walk through this year. I love all that God has done in me, the internal and the external changes and I am so excited and expectant to see what is next. I know that I am different now to when I came out to 2nd year in August and that I will be different from who I am now when I graduate in May and head home to Leicester. I love this journey of exploration that I am on with Papa, to pursue his face and minister to his heart, to allow him access to all of me to make me fully who I was created to be. I want nothing less than to be a laid down lover of Jesus, fully surrendered, fully yielded and walking in the fullness of who I was created to be! So thankful that scripture says that he will complete the work he started in me because it makes my dream not just possible but guaranteed. How awesome!

I'm also looking forward to writing more, both this blog and also the book that God has been speaking to me about. One of my goals is to put time aside every week to write and stick to it. Up until now I have written when I felt like it but it has become apparent that very little gets written if that's how you organise it, you only need to see that my last blog was in November! So watch this space for more blog posts but also for updates on how I am doing in my larger writing project.

Lastly, I am very excited that a very good friend of mine arrives in just under 2 weeks for a visit. So blessed that she is able to visit and that she has chosen to. It's a big thing, not only because of the cost but she is leaving her 3 small children (including my youngest God daughter) at home with their dad so that she can. He's sacrificing a lot for me too! It is an amazing gift to me that she would do that to see me, very humbling. We are going to have a wonderful time though and God is going to bless our time together more than we can possibly imagine. We are blessed indeed! Maybe my next post will be an update on our time together, who knows?

I hope you have been encouraged as you have read. I declare that as I continue on my journey this year to becoming fully me that you would continue your journey, wherever you are at, to becoming fully you. You are the son or daughter of Almighty God and he has already done everything that was needed to enable you to begin, continue and end the journey well, you just need to say, yes!