Tuesday 6 March 2018

Continued journey of the heart........

So, a little while ago I bared my heart in relation to the journey Papa had taken me on in regards to dating.  It felt a little brave and a whole lot vulnerable but I have been blown away by the comments I have received, especially where my story has given freedom to others to pursue their own journeys.  I love how when we are obedient to what God asks of us he has a beautiful plan already worked out.  He truly is so good!

This then, is my next step in obedience in relation to this heart journey as I share what he has been teaching me in the process.  Again, this feels vulnerable but obedience can be costly!  I hope you are blessed, encouraged and challenged as you read.

The night I signed up to the website I felt God say that I needed to wave at someone.  I didn’t want to, I wanted just to have signed up and that be the end of it.  However, I knew God was saying that if I did not do something then I would be ruled by fear in relation to this.  So I waved at a couple of guys.  It was hard for a few reasons, firstly because it was quite hard to find profiles of men who truly did appear to love Jesus and want to live sold out for him, then there was how vulnerable I felt even thinking about waving at someone and lastly, God has done this big work in my heart about being created to be pursued by a man and here he was asking me to make the first move! 

I did not get any response and didn’t want to wave at anyone else and while talking to God I felt him say that I could just sit and wait.  A friend then said to me that if I’m not out there to be seen then I can’t be pursued.  This felt like confirmation that I could sit and wait and see what happens.

By this time, I had already realised that whatever the outcome of me being on this website in relation to meeting any potential husbands, the most important thing for me is this heart journey that he is taking me on.  I just knew that there was going to be numerous lessons for me that would be harder to learn if I wasn’t on this path and this is already proving so true!

So having waved, I waited.  I had a few waves, not from the men that I had waved at but from others.  When I checked out their profiles though it felt like they hadn’t read my profile at all but just waved and so I just sent them a message saying I wasn’t interested.  Though I didn’t want to take things any further I wanted to honour them with a kind response.

This was the first week and then nothing!  Lots of things went through my mind, including changing my profile but having chatted with one of my close heart friends, who said that my profile was a good representation of me, I decided not to.

After a couple of weeks of not having any responses I began to get a little frustrated.  As I was chatting with God I felt that he said that I should go on and look and wave at some people.  So I did just that.  As I spent ages looking through profiles of men to see whether they sounded passionate for Jesus I got more and more disheartened.  Not because I didn’t find any who appeared to be passionate but I felt like I was making a judgement on every person that I closed the profile on, and to be honest, this was the greater majority.  After what must have been at least an hour, I had waved at 3 men but that was hard going.

The next day I went back to God.  I don’t want to trawl through pages of profiles.  I don’t want to feel like I am making judgements on people just from a picture and a few words.  I want to believe that it is possible for a man who loves Jesus to wave at me and that something can start from that.  I also believe that this is a journey of my heart, that I am learning what is important to me and that I am truly happy whether this journey with online dating leads to a relationship or just leads to my heart being more whole.  I am loving the process because it is drawing me closer to Jesus and that means it has to be a win/win situation whatever any other outcome happens.  God is so good!

So, then the waiting.  Actually, to be honest, it doesn’t feel like waiting.  It’s just something that is there in the background and crosses my mind when someone asks about it or when my weekly review email comes through.  The review email tells me men have been looking at my profile and that is enough for me because I have realised that if they like my picture enough to look further but then are put off by my profile, we’re probably not a good match anyway.  God is so good!

Then last week I had my first email contact.  It was from someone who had previously waved but I had said thanks, but no thanks.  As he had persisted, I thought I would say hello back.  We chatted by email over a couple of hours.  He seemed like a very nice man but there were two things that concerned me; that he lived in London and that he didn’t go to just one church, though he did talk about how important Jesus was.  We said we might chat again the next night and I left it at that.

As I chatted to Jesus when I went to bed I became aware that for me it was important that any person I looked at having a relationship with had to be committed to a church.  There are lots of reasons why this is and I won’t go into them here, I just knew that this is something that is non-negotiable to me.  I also realised that I would much prefer to chat with someone who is closer to home.  This, of course, meant that I did not want to continue chatting with the man who had waved at me.

The next day I sent him a message explaining this.  It was important for me to be kind and honest in my message.  He responded that he was disappointed but not surprised.  This was such a blessing to me because it made me realise how much God had done in my heart.  Just how much healing he had done and how different I am.

In the past I was more interested in attention than where the attention came from.  I would also lead men on to believe my feelings for them were greater than they were if it meant I got attention.  Honesty was not one of my strong points in relationship.  God has done so much healing in me over the past 21 years that this is so far from where I am now and I am so grateful that he is using this journey to let me see the reality of this healing.  God is so good!

So, here I am, still waiting.  Still happy and very excited for where God is taking me on this journey.  I am so thankful that God is more interested in the process than in the destination and that when we know this, it is so much easier to have joy in it.  I am thankful that his heart is to see my heart healthy and whole and me living in the fullness of who he created me to be.  I am thankful that he is in this journey with me, I am never on my own.

I hope you have been blessed by this post and that whatever journey you are on, whatever process you are walking through, that you would find joy in knowing that you are never alone in it.  He will never leave you or forsake you and he will get you wherever you need to get to, to the fullness he created you for.

Happy heart!  Blessed indeed!