Saturday 23 August 2014

Unclipped wings or The eagle has landed, if only to learn how to fly higher and take off again!

Wow! What can I say? Here I am sat in Redding, California preparing to start one of the most exciting seasons of my life. However, just at the moment it is pretty mundane and normal. I am kidding, how can can it be mundane and normal. Even trying to get the shopping and household items I need is an adventure. It is all so different here.  

So, I just want to tell you about my last few days in the UK, my journey and my first few days in the US. It has been fun, tiring and a n interesting adventure!

My last few days in the UK (after having said goodbye to all my family and friends) was spent in Kent with Lizzie, my roomie. It was a strange feeling for me to begin with as I felt like I was in limbo, like I had left one place and now was just waiting to reach the new one, it felt like I was between two worlds. Papa soon put me straight though by pointing out that, though I may be between seasons I was not between two worlds as I am always in his Kingdom wherever I am. Wow! This also means that every moment matters wherever I am, even in a place of waiting I can bring the Kingdom because that is my place of residence.

Our journey to Redding was good and Papa definitely blessed us as it was smooth and we got through Homeland Security with ease. The best part of the journey was when we came down the escalator in Sacramento airport to see Amy waiting for us. At last the three roomies were together in person and it felt great. The trip back to Redding was slightly longer than expected as we headed the wrong way down the I5 for about an hour so 3 hours became 5. We were all blessed though by the fact that we did not have to drive to Portland because that would be another 450 miles. Thank God for his blessings! After 26 hours of being awake Lizzie and I were just so pleased to see our ready made beds. Thank you Amy!

Now to my first couple of days in Redding. Wow! It has been amazing and I love this new adventure. I love my roomies and how fun it has been to start doing life together. I know there will be ups and downs but I am determined to seek out the gold in each of them, to be their greatest supporter and encourager and I know that this is true for them of me. Papa truly knew what he was doing when he put us together. Surprise, surprise!

I have done lots of ordinary stuff that is made extraordinary just because I am in a different vulture. Who knew you could open 2 bank accounts and walk out with cheques and a bank card within 30 minutes? Well you can, because I did it! I've also negotiated my first weekly shop for food and survived, even though the Walmart was almost the size of Leicester. Okay, that may be a little exaggeration but it was big!

I have felt at peace the whole time I have been here, probably not too hard as this is only day 3! However, when we went to Friday night worship I began to feel inadequate and was questioning why I was here. Papa is amazing though and just gave me confirmation after confirmation that I was in the right place at the right time. Firstly, a lady from Tulsa gave me a beautiful bracelet she had made and as she did Papa told me it was my 'belonging bracelet' because for now I am home. Wow! Then as we were worshiping he showed me how over recent months he had strengthened me to enable me to stand and not just to stand anywhere but to stand in Redding. He then reminded me that my Bethel interviewer had declared over me that where I was in September was the right place and Papa told me to stand on that truth. He then said that part of his discipline for me this year (because I am his beloved daughter) is to learn even more to refute the lies and declare the truth, capturing all thoughts to Jesus so that I stand on the firm foundation that is mine. I am the daughter of the King, loved and cherished and priceless in my Father's eyes. Wow! Identity is key and he wants to take me deeper and deeper still. Then the preach was all about knowing that because of Jesus, because he is our Good Shepherd who never leaves us and because of who we are in him we do not need to feel inadequate. How awesome was that!

So now on day 3 of my time in Redding I am still in awe of all that God has done to get me here and all that he plans to do but I know that I know that I know that I am where I am supposed to be. I know that a Papa is unclipping my wings so that he can teach me to fly and to fly high, soaring with Holy Spirit in ways I have never dreamt of. I know too that it is bigger than I think and he is going to surprise me lots, stretch me lots and challenge me lots but I will never be alone for he is with me every step of the way. I can do nothing but stand amazed and say have your way in me, I want to be all you created me to be and fulfil the purpose and destiny you have ordained for me, which for now is Bethel.


  1. encouraging as you settle in America, be blessed on what will be the first Sabbath of many over there, thanks for sharing x

  2. Thanks for the encouragement Karen. My first Sabbath was amazing, 2 Bethel services (Papa in his faithfulness spoke to me at both too) and a trip to Shasta Dam which is beautiful xx
