Sunday 17 September 2017

My favourite hour of the week....

So, I’m still working through some emotions but as I do, I’m trying to be faithful with writing and life continues through all circumstances!  I want to tell you about my favourite hour of the week simply because I can.  Those of you who know me well won’t be surprised that it’s in the early morning but you may be surprised by what it is all. 

Every Friday morning between 8 and 9am we give out free coffee on the front steps of church.  I love it!  We’ve been doing it for a little over 3 months now and it is such fun. 

I love watching as people get over their suspicions week by week and then finally come and accept a coffee. 

I love watching as people begin to relax and tell us little aspects of their days and their lives.

I love watching as people come back week after week for coffee and a quick chat. 

I love watching as the children (now back at school) bring their parents over so that they can have a drink. 

I love that we are building community with those who pass our building on a daily basis and that they tell us that they now look forward to a Friday morning. 

I love that we notice when one of our ‘regulars’ does not come.

How good is that!  I think it is amazing and it really does bring me the greatest of pleasure when I see them smile, not only because they get a free coffee but because we have remembered their name or a little something about them.  To me, this is community, getting out there and being Jesus, this is what our lives should be all about, loving people well with no hidden agenda.  We just want to see them smile and we do, it’s wonderful.

We have talked about Jesus and prayed but primarily we just smile, have fun and even dance a little (or at least I do) and bless people with a cup of tea or coffee.  It’s simple but it’s effective and I am excited to see where it leads, especially when we are still there in the cold and the rain!  It may sound strange but it really is my favourite hour of the week and I look forward to it expectantly.  I love Jesus so I love people and I love community!

Happy heart!  Blessed indeed!

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