Thursday 5 June 2014

I want to be a covenant friend!

A friend sent me this after reading about me and my roomies for Bethel in my last post. It is by Sarah De Jong who has just finished first year at Bethel. I think it is amazing and describes the kind of friend I aim to be. Hope you are encouraged and challenged by it.
"A covenant friend is one who lays down her life for her friends. She is there through the good times and bad. She never lets her love run out or dry up. She makes time for those she loves and prays for them often. She chases after their dreams and is their greatest cheerleader. She is a comfort and encouragement when times are hard. She joins in the fight for their freedom and prosperity. She treasures their promises like they are her own and keeps them safe, under guard, in a special place in her heart. She is a refiner to them, like iron sharpening iron. She brags about them in public and confronts them gently in private. She refuses to let them hide in fear or shame but always covers their vulnerability with honour and love. She pursues connection and refuses to take offence when misunderstandings occur. She prioritises good communication. She is a platform that launches her friends into their destinies. She celebrates all their victories and laughs with joy. She sits with them in the ashes when things have gone wrong. But she doesn't do this all in her own strength, for what heart can love that much on its own? Oh no, it's the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, out of the overflow."

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