Thursday 26 June 2014

Wow! Oblivion!

So why have I started this blog with a picture of the Oblivion ride at Alton Towers? Well, I realised on Sunday that it was only 7 weeks until my last time with my wonderful church family and it's roller coaster scary and exciting. You know what I mean, that feeling of nervousness and anticipation as you reach the top before the long drop, you know it is going to be amazing but a little scary too! I shared that with a dear friend and they shared a picture that had been given at a recent meeting that Papa brought to mind. The picture was of Oblivion and the vertical drop in the ride literally takes your breath away. Wow! Papa was saying that this next step, this scary but exciting step, is going to take my breath away. How awesome is that! 

The next 8 weeks, I fly on 20th August, are full of a combination of sorting bits and pieces out and a lot of goodbyes. It is a strange feeling trying to stay focussed on the present and all that Papa wants to do today while saying lots of goodbyes and being so excited about my next season but the journey has already started. Each and every day is part of it and if I look for it Papa has opportunities for me to grow and step out in faith and boldness. I truly am blessed in this season as well as the one to come.

Just want to share a quick story of me trying and in part succeeding, to step out in faith and boldness. Last Sunday I went for lunch with a friend and we went to Frankie and Benny's, my first ever meal in one, how sad is that! Anyway, we had a great waiter and I said to my friend I was asking Papa for a word for him. When we came to pay for the meal I decided it was now or never, I either was bold and gave him the word or I would chicken out and never know what could have been. So, I told him what I thought Papa had said and, though he did not see it as directly relating to him, he then told us of how his son had died 3 years ago and about his life since then. Wow! That was not quite what I was expecting. However, we then got to declare peace over his life and we left. Did Jesus touch him through us, I think so, I'm sure he does not tell all his customers about the loss of his son. What difference did our input have? I don't know but I would hope he now knows that God cares about his situation if nothing else. It was important for me though, I have learnt that I would rather step out and look foolish than stay quiet and miss out on seeing what God can and will do through me.

That's it for now. Hope you enjoyed this and are encouraged for your own journey, wherever you are on it. Be blessed!

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